From Starbucks to Start-Up [CWE]

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Event Date: Friday, November 09, 2018
Event Time: 08:00 AM
Location: James Laughlin Music Center, Chatham Shadyside Campus, 1 Woodland Rd, Pittsburgh PA 15232
Fee: $25 per breakfast
Non-Chatham Student and Veteran's Rate: $12 with valid ID
Sandra E. Taylor, CEO of Sustainable Business International LLC and Falk Professor of Socially Responsible Business at Chatham University, will discuss how corporate experience can be a tremendous asset when launching a new business – deep expertise in a specific field, knowing how to manage teams, good presentation skills and familiarity with strategic planning -- long and short-term—and knowing how to drive change as an "intrapreneur" in a large organization. However, making the transition from corporate executive to entrepreneur also requires very different competences to survive and prosper in a small start-up where you don't have the resources available in a corporate environment. The entrepreneur must learn new skills – and quickly -- to be successful. She will share her own story -- mistakes to avoid, advice for marketing and client development, as well as the importance of building a brand or re-branding yourself in this new role.