Free Water Filter Distribution Event

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Women for a Healthy Environment (located on Commerce Street) will be having a FREE water filter distribution event on Saturday, March 23rd from 10:30am-12:30pm. These water pitchers and filters are certified to remove lead from tap water. WHE will be at their Women for a Healthy Environment Offices, located within the Cube building on 5877 Commerce St. Suite 114. WHE will also be distributing filters in the North Side.

There is no requirement to fill to be able to receive a filter (although priority is given to families with young children). WHE's organization just wants to distribute these filters to community members. WHE have identified East Liberty as an area where lead exposures through water are higher than other neighborhoods and so WHE wishes to decrease this risk and exposure to the communities members of East Liberty. WHE will also be answering questions on how to reduce lead exposures in your home.