Tax Extenders Letter 2015

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Chamber Friends,

Thus far, over 1,800 organizations and businesses have signed on to the Broad Tax Extenders Coalition letter (text below).  As a reminder, this letter is very similar to the one the Coalition sent to Congress in 2014.  These “tax extenders” include many annual business priorities such as the Research and Experimentation (so-called “R&D”) tax credit, Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation, etc. 

If you have not yet signed on to the letter, please click this link and fill out the necessary information by close of business on Friday, September 4

Please be sure to list your organization exactly how you would like it to be reflected on the letter, and please send the sign-on link to any interested members of yours.

The letter will be sent to the Hill later next week when Congress returns from recess, and you will all receive a copy of the final letter.

Please click here to sign on to the letter.



[Regional Office]

Tax Extenders Letter Text:

September X, 2015

To the Members of the United States [Senate/House of Representatives]:

The undersigned organizations, representing millions of individuals, employees, businesses of all sizes, community development organizations and non-profit organizations, urge Congress to act immediately on a seamless, multiyear or permanent extension of the expired and expiring tax provisions, including appropriate enhancements. These tax provisions are critically important to U.S. jobs and the broader economy.

Failure to extend these provisions is a tax increase. It will inject instability and uncertainty into the economy and weaken confidence in the employment marketplace. Acting promptly on this matter will provide important predictability necessary for economic growth.

The expired provisions should be renewed as soon as possible this year. We urge all members of Congress to work together to extend seamlessly on a multiyear basis, and where possible enhance or make permanent, these important tax provisions.
